The Meetings

A prayer group may be started with only two mothers. Members meet every week and obey the strict rule of confidentiality.

During the meetings a mother may share her worries without the fear of anything being repeated outside of the meeting. The other mothers support her in her prayer and she will feel supported by thousands of mothers around the world who are also part of Mothers Prayers.

Mothers experience a great peace with the blessing of this wonderful prayer support.


At the meeting we use our special prayer booklet and gather around a small table on which we have placed:-

  • A Cross to remind us that Jesus is our Redeemer.
  • A Candle to remind us that He is the Light of the World.
  • A Bible to remind us that He is the Living Word.
  • A small Basket at the foot of the Cross ready to receive the names of our children written individually on small paper discs as a symbol of our placing them into Jesus’ care.


We follow our booklet of prayers but we also allow time for spontaneous prayer.

The prayers in the booklet are informal and are just words that speak from a Mother's heart to the Lord.

This booklet has now been translated into 40 languages.




Meetings around the World


FaLang translation system by Faboba
Joomla Template: from JoomlaShack
DMC Firewall is a Joomla Security extension!